Is it the Resurrection of “Tootle” ?

25 September 2023 / By dexnine

Tootle. A Ride sharing app that enabled the revolution in the transportation system of Nepal.

The first of its kind in Nepal.

Founded with the thought of disrupting and bringing change for the better in the current transport condition in Kathmandu.

Sixit Bhatta, the founder, an entrepreneur through and through with working experience in, Tele communication sector and the banking sector of Nepal , first started his journey in developing an app that tracked En-route buses (Sajha Yatayat) during the Blockade days in 2015. 

His first attempt to building a helpful platform for movers during the time of the blockade crisis days paved to way towards Tootle. By January of 2017 Tootle successfully started its operations as a paradigm shifting service.

As the first of its kind service application in Nepal, Tootle had to withstand the trails and tribulations of the Nepalese Government and the general public. 

The passion for helping people get from Point A to Point B safely and affordably, Tootle marched on in-spite of the hurdles the circumstances presented. 

Following the footsteps of Tootle, another ride-sharing application was lurking around waiting to tap into the newly formed transportation market. An application with the same purpose as of Tootle, stepped into Nepal. 

Tootle’s Map was inaccurate, consumers could not cancel the ride and was comparatively more expensive. Improving on those short comings, Competitor ride-sharing app with an easy to use, accurate maps and emphasis on both the rider and the consumer took the opportunity to surpass tootle in Market share. 

Adding to this, a 25 year old rule of “Private vehicles should not be used to transport passenger for monetary gain” caused multiple headlines about its absurdity and how it must be optimized given the development of Ride-sharing infrastructure. With the breaking of the following news, ride-sharing apps like tootle came into the spotlight, which competitors capitalized fully with emotion based marketing and brand persona. 

The then Government overruled the old protocol and paved the way to the rise of other ride-sharing apps and the fall of Tootle. Like the saying goes “First Movers do Charity”. This is the prime example of just that. Tootle enabled the ride-sharing culture in Nepal and similar entities Triumphed. 

Resurrection of the Pioneer. 

Fixing the old issues, Starting under a brand new management of ZAPP with a brand new UI “Tootle” is back from the ashes better than ever. 

Under a brand new team of action, “Tootle” has launched again in Kathmandu. ZAPP and tootle are brands born out of necessity and the passion to overcome day to day life. 

ZAPP a logistics service provider which was started in the pandemic taking immense risk to provide consumers with their needs. Tootle now is under the supervision of ZAPP. 

With a Promising list of efforts:

  • Fixed app auto update not working issue
  • Fixed some UI issues
  • Fixed promo issue
  • Fixed location not retrieving issue
  • Fixed app crash issues

Re-Launched on the 6th of September, Tootle is willing to be a tough competition in the business model it pioneered in Nepal. 

Emotionally tootle is a Nepali Brand with its roots deeply embedded into each and every alley way of Kathmandu. 

Sure does look promising right ? 

Tootle a household name when it started back in 2017, can it do it again? 

Let us know what’s your favourite ride-sharing apps in Nepal currently.